High blood pressure or hypertension is a common medical condition these days. When there is an elevation of systemic pressure exerted by blood on the artery walls at the time of circulation, it is called high blood pressure. Normally our blood pressure or BP is high when heart pumps the blood in to the aorta, and decreases gradually as the blood reaches the smaller blood vessels like arteries, arterioles and capillaries.
Blood pressure is measured with the help of a pressure cuff, and the upper number in pressure reading indicates systolic pressure and the lower number stands for diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is actually the pressure on artery walls when heart contracts and pushes blood forward in to arteries. Diastolic pressure is the pressure on artery walls, when the heart rests or relaxes after contraction.
Causes of High BP
1. Aging
2. Family history
3. Sodium or salt sensitivity
4. Obesity
5. Tobacco and alcohol intake
6. Stress and anxiety
7. Physical inactivity
8. Intake of contraceptive pills
9. Intake of other medications like diet pills, amphetamines, pseudoephedrine.
Symptoms of High BP
High blood pressure, for some may not show any symptom. Thus it is often referred to as 'silent killer'. However some symptoms of high BP may be listed as follows.
1. Confusion
2. Restlessness
3. Insomnia
4. Fatigue
5. Headache
6. Nausea and vomiting
7. Nose bleeding
8. Chest pain
9. Shortness of breath
10. Blurred vision
11. Impaired memory.
Natural Remedies to Reduce Hypertension
1. Dietary changes can bring down elevated pressure. One should avoid sugared beverages and candies, high fat products and red meat. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, poultry, low fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in diet.
2. One should reduce salt or sodium intake and increase potassium intake.
3. Smoking and alcoholism should be strictly avoided.
4. Lots of water is to be taken. It improves the blood circulation and helps to check pressure abnormalities. Dependence on fluids should be increased. It will help to control body weight.
5. Exercises should be included in daily routine. It will improve metabolism, blood circulation and check obesity.
6. Walking bare foot on green grass for about half an hour also helps to check hypertension by improving blood circulation.
7. Hot compress over chest, leg or foot bath with warm water may yield quite beneficial results in controlling BP.
8. Consuming baked potato can control blood pressure.
9. 2-3 cloves of raw garlic per day is an effective remedy against high blood pressure.
10. Consumption of watermelon protects one against high BP.
11. Juice of half lemon in a glass of water can bring immediate drop in BP.
12. Juice of Indian goose berry mixed with honey may be taken daily. It is a proven precaution against hypertension.
Read more about High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment. Also know about Hemorrhoids Herbal Treatment.
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